Friday 7 September 2012

Five "Health Foods" That May Be Making You Sick!

There are many of us who are dieting and trying to live a healthy lifestyle. We exercise and go out of our way to eat the best foods we can. Most of us already know that trans-fats, white sugar and white flour are not the best health choices, especially if we want to keep our weight down. Unfortunately some of the very foods that we think are healthy are ones that can cause a lot of trouble for our bodies, and even make us ill. Below is a list of some surprisingly unhealthy “health foods.” Artificial Sweeteners Many people who are dieting, whether it is low calorie or low carb diets, will opt for beverages with artificial sweeteners instead of sugar. Admittedly sugar is certainly a troublemaker and should be avoided, but artificial sweeteners are actually worse for you and could even be dangerous to your health. All the artificial sweeteners are bad, but one of the worst sweeteners for us is NutraSweet (Equal, aspartame). There are over 92 different health related side effects associated with aspartame consumption, including brain tumors, birth defects, diabetes, emotional disorders and epilepsy/seizures. There are more adverse reactions to NutraSweet reported to the FDA than all other foods and additives combined. A much better alternative to chemically derived sweeteners is stevia, which comes from a plant. It has been used for centuries with no know side effects. It can be purchased in most health food stores in the United States.
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Sunday 26 August 2012

Basic Financial Information Tips

Savings. Pay yourself first. Start now stashing 10% of your income in an “Emergency” savings. Don’t use it for anything but real emergencies. Keep a “For Sure” savings account for yearly expenses you know are coming and you can estimate (e.g. Christmas, insurance, taxes, etc.). Also have a “Buy Stuff” account. If you do, you’ll be able to avoid many financial disasters which will face you, and you can avoid borrowing money from high-rate lenders. Borrowing. Don’t borrow money unless you are willing and able to pay it back. Failure to pay debts – on time – causes severe financial, emotional, and family problems. Experts recommend you don’t borrow for wants, only for needs, or for things that increase in value. Many lenders will loan you money you can’t afford to pay back, especially high-rate lenders.
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Tuesday 14 August 2012

How Does Debit Report Effect You?

Few consumers are aware that there are companies tracking all of their personal financial transactions – bankruptcies, credit cards, installment loans, mortgages and judgments. On the other hand, unless you were raised in a cave you've heard of a credit report and most likely understand that it's a record of all of your purchases. Credit reports are primarily assembled by three credit bureaus (Equifax, TransUnion and Experian) which is then available upon request from most lenders, mortgage brokers or credit bureaus. Credit reports tell these businesses, in summarized form, how an individual has handled credit in the past and is the primary tool being used to decide whether or not they are worthy of being granted more credit in the form of a loan or additional credit cards. However, what people don't realize is that there is a company that keeps track of the banking transactions of American consumers but unlike credit reports, that information is available only to banks in the form of a debit report. You may
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Friday 3 August 2012

A Guide For A Mother Of A Newly Born Baby

Every parent in a family would want to give their baby - the best start in life! However, very few parents / Moms actually know what things shoud be done - in order to achieve that. We get a bunch of different advice and opinions from everyone we talk to and since babies don’t come with a "manual" - it’s hard to know what the right thing are.
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Monday 18 June 2012

I Eat What I Feel

Have you ever felt the overwhelming need while sitting in front of the television screen in your favorite comfy clothes watching one more sitcom to get up and go to the kitchen in order to eat something more, although you have finished your dinner less than an hour ago? While many agree that the fridge hides a lot of delights that can ruin your appetite, today's consumers do not believe that chewing something before or after a well-served meal is a totally weird practice.
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